Snapchat Planet Emojis: A Guide to Friendship Stars and Planets

What is a Snapchat planet emoji on Snapchat? and how can it upgrade your experience? Understanding Snapchat planet emojis Guide can open up an unheard-of degree of network on the stage.

Guide on Snapchat planet emojis is a component that allows you to view your companions’ areas access constantly (on the off chance that they decide to share it) and see what’s going on around the world through client-posted snaps. It’s an intuitive guide where you can investigate famous occasions, patterns, and stories shared by clients around the world.

Next time you can’t help thinking about what is Snapchat planet emojis, consider it a virtual guide interfacing you with companions and constant stories from all over the place! Jump into our aide for tips on taking full advantage of Snap Guide.

What Are Snapchat Planet Emojis?

Planet emojis are part of Snapchat’s “Best Friends” feature, where emojis next to a friend’s name reflect the relationship dynamic. Each Snapchat planet emoji corresponds to a different level of interaction, with the closest friends being represented by specific planets, such as Mercury and Venus, and friends with fewer interactions represented by outer planets like Saturn and Neptune. This fun addition makes understanding your friend list easier and adds a cosmic twist to social connections.

snapchat planet emojis

Understanding the Snapchat Planet Emojis and Their Meanings

Each Snapchat planet emoji has a unique meaning on Snapchat, ranking your friends by closeness:

  • Mercury: This is your number one best friend! You interact with this friend the most.
  • Venus: A strong friendship—your second closest friend on Snapchat.
  • Earth: The third closest friend, showing you frequently exchange Snaps.
  • Mars: A good friend, fourth in closeness but still important.
  • Jupiter: Another good friend, ranked fifth on your friendship list.
  • Saturn: Sixth position—still in regular touch, though not as often as top friends.
  • Uranus: This is your seventh-ranked friend, indicating rare but consistent interaction.
  • Neptune: This represents an eighth-ranked friend with minimal interaction.

Each planet brings a unique dynamic to friendships, with Mercury being closest and Neptune being more distant.

How to Find Your Snapchat Planet Emoji on Snapchat

To see the Snapchat planet emojis next to your friends, open your Snapchat chat list:

  1. Go to your friends list or chat screen.
  2. Locate the friend for whom you want to see the planet emoji.
  3. Check next to their name, where you’ll find a small emoji indicating your friendship level.

Not all friends will have a planet emoji; it’s reserved for best friends with whom you have consistent interactions.

Why Snapchat Uses Planet Emojis for Friendship Levels

Snapchat planet emojis approach planet emojis turns friendship into a game by creating unique levels and meanings for each interaction. By representing each best friend with a specific planet, Snapchat adds a layer of mystery and exclusivity to the app’s friend lists, making socializing more enjoyable and motivating users to keep in touch with their best friends.

Can You Change Your Snapchat Planet Emoji?

Unlike typical emojis, Snapchat emojis are automatically assigned based on interaction frequency, so users cannot change them directly. However, if you want to “level up” with a friend to get a closer planet like Mercury or Venus, start increasing your interactions by sending Snaps, chatting frequently, and engaging with their Stories. Over time, as Snapchat recognizes the increased interaction, your Snapchat planet emojis may change accordingly.

The Popularity and Impact of Snapchat Planet Emojis on users

Snapchat planet emojis have brought excitement to users, especially among those keen on knowing who their closest friends are. Many users share screenshots of their planet emojis on social media, while others use them as fun conversation starters. 


Generally, the component has supported fellowships by giving a visual portrayal of associations, starting cordial rivalry and, surprisingly, uplifting clients to remain associated on a more regular basis.

This content provides a comprehensive manual for Snapchat’s planet emoticons, explaining how they work, what they connote, and how clients can use them to enhance their social interactions on Snapchat. Please inform me if you’d like further customization!


Snapchat Planet Emojis add a unique twist to your friend list, representing different levels of friendship based on your interactions. Discover what each planet emoji symbolizes and how it reflects your connection with friends on Snapchat.

Curious about how to level up your Snapchat planets? This FAQ explains how to increase your interactions with friends to unlock new planet emojis and enhance your Snapchat experience.

Snapchat’s Friendship Stars and Planet Emojis both indicate friend levels but represent different aspects of your connection. Learn how these two features work and what each one reveals about your Snapchat friendships.

Have you noticed that each friend has a different planet emoji next to their name? This FAQ sheds light on how Snapchat assigns planet emojis based on your chat frequency and Snapstreaks with each friend.

Snapchat uses planet emojis as a fun way to rank your closest friends. Here, we explore how planet emojis impact your friend list order and how they might change as your interactions evolve.

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