Snapchat Planets

Snapchat Planets is an exclusive feature available only to Snapchat Plus users. Regular users don’t have access to it— a Plus subscription is required to enjoy this unique addition. If you’re looking to learn all about Snapchat Planets, you’ve come to the right place!

Snapchat Planet Order

Snapchat Solar System

Best Friend List Planets

Tired of feeling lost in the Snapchat Planet system, trying to figure out how to unlock exclusive planets and explore all the hidden features? We understand the frustration when you’re not maximizing your Snapchat experience.

We’re here to solve that problem. With the right tips and strategies, you’ll unlock all the secrets of Snapchat Planet, making your journey through the app easier and more rewarding.

So, what exactly is Snapchat Planet? It’s a feature that offers exclusive emojis, ranking systems, and hidden tools designed to enhance your overall Snapchat experience. Dive into our detailed guides to start exploring!

Snapchat Planets: What Is the Friend Solar System?

Do you know exactly what the solar system looks like and how the Solar system works? In our solar system, every planet revolves around the sun and is separated by a certain distance. This is the same in Snapchat Planet; if you are a Snapchat Plus user, you are the sun, and your friends are Snapchat Plus planets.

The first listing of Snapchat planets is Mercury, which represents the person with whom you shared most of the streaks, for example, your best friend or your cousin. This process works with your eight best friends on Snapchat planets. This means your eight best friends are assigned as your planets and shows how close you are to them (how much you interact with them in a day)

Why Snapchat Planet Order Was Created?

I know some people are thinking about why this Snapchat planet feature was created. Has Snapchat launched this as a somewhat conversational ranking system in the first place? So, here are a few points that make sense:

  • To trap human physiology.
  • To give users more visuals and a gamified way to see their rankings with their friends.
  • Provide more value to Snapchat Plus subscribers and create something amazing for their subscribers.
  • To increase overall engagement with their friends as they try to level up their planet on Snapchat planets..
  • Try different Snapchat features from those of their rivals without a similar social ranking system.

Snapchat Planets Order and Meaning (2024)

Every planet in the Snapchat friend solar system shows different positions on your list of best friends, and the order of Snapchat planets in the solar system is identical to the planets in our solar system. As I mentioned, you are the sun between your friends, so Mercury planet is the one with whom you share most of the streaks, and Venus is the second. This process continues till Neptune, who is your eighth best friend.

Snapchat Planets Order in Detail

Here is the list of the Snapchat Plus planets with their names and descriptions:

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune

Mercury – Your 1st Best Friend

Mercury is the first planet in the Snapchat solar system. The name is Snapchat, and it represents the one with whom you talked the most and made streaks with them. It shows a faded red colour with five hearts and two little stars, as shown in the picture.

Venus – Your 2nd Best Friend

Venus represents your second best friend on the list. With this person, you interacted the 2nd most. As you can see in the image, it represents a white colour with different colours of hearts, which looks attractive.

Earth – Your 3rd Best Friend

The third one is Earth in our Snapchat solar system; it represents your 3rd best friend, and, as you can see in the image, it looks beautiful in blue and green. It looks gorgeous; it also has a moon in the background.

Mars – Your 4th Best Friend

Mars represents your 4th best friend. With fired red colours and cute purple hearts, it also looks good. If you are a Mars with someone, dont be sad; at least you have an attractive and cute bitmoji.

Jupiter – Your 5th Best Friend

Jupiter represents your 5th best friend in the Snapchat solar system. The colour of this bitmoji is orange, surrounded by multiple colours and stars.

Saturn – Your 6th Best Friend

On the 6th position is Saturn planet, which shows your 6th best friend in the Snapchat solar system. The bitmoji is yellow and surrounded by a beautiful ring, as it is one of the most beautiful planets in the solar system. There are pink, blue, and yellow stars around it.

Uranus – Your 7th Best Friend

Uranus represents your 7th friend on the list. Uranus colours are charming, and the bitmoji for this planet will be green and surrounded by yellow stars.

Neptune – Your 8th Best Friend

Neptune is the 8th planet on Snapchat’s solar systems list and represents your 8th best friend. It is also the last planet in our solar system. It’s blue in colour and has stars around the planet. If you are Neptune, just dont worry. You are the 8th most important person in their Snapchat best friend planet.

How does Snapchat Planets system work?

The Snapchat planet system is based on user interaction. First, you must subscribe to the Snapchat Plus feature, which is around $3.99 per month. The planets will represent your friendship with different Snapchat planets and indicate who your best friend is. When you subscribe, you can see the best friend badge with a golden ring on your friend’s profile. 

Now, if you have a best friend badge, it means that you are interacting with that person most of the time. Also, add planets to your best friend list. If you only see a friend badge, you are in their friend’s solar system, but they are not in yours.

Clicking on a friendship badge will reveal your friendship position on their Snapchat planets. One of my favourite features is that these Snapchat planets represent your proximity to your friend. You can also make good friend badges as custom pins.

For Example:  If you are Earth in the Snapchat solar system best friend list, you are their third closest friend on Snapchat.

Example explanation:

Now, let’s suppose that your name is John, and your friends’ names are Jodie Foster, Cameron Diaz, and Julia Roberts. You have shared 3000 snaps with your friend Jodie Foster, 2500 snaps with Cameron Diaz, and 1800 snaps with Julia Roberts; now, based on this data in your friend’s solar system, Jodie Foster is your first closest friend, which is Mercury, Cameron Diaz is your second closest friend, who is Venus, and Julia Roberts is your third closest friend, who is Earth.

How to Access and Use Snapchat Planets?

To view your friend snapchat solar system:

  • Subscribe to Snapchat plus: This feature is exclusive to Snapchat users. It costs you $3.99 per month.
  • Open a Friends Profile: Look for the “best friend” or “best friend badge” with a gold ring in your profile.
  • Tap The Badge: This feature allows you to track your position in their solar system.

If you see the best friend badge, it means you are among each other’s planets on Snapchat. The Friend Badge means that you are in their top eight, but they might not be in your Snapchat planets.

How to Check Your Planet on Your Friend’s Solar System?

If you want to see your planet on your friend’s solar system so, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open snapchat plus 
  2. Go to your friend list
  3. Click on the friend whose planet you want to watch
  4. Their profile will open
  5. Now, click on the best friend badge 
  6. It will show you which planet you are and what number you are in their best friend planets list.

How to Get Snapchat Planet Order?

As mentioned, Snapchat Planet order is only available to Snapchat Plus subscribers. So, you need to subscribe first. Once you subscribe to the Snapchat Plus feature, You will see a best friend badge with a gold ring on your friend’s profile.

How to Check Your Snapchat Planets Order?

Do you want to explore your Snapchat planets order? And see which planets friends have positioned you on? Here is how you can check:

  1. First, confirm that you are a Snapchat plus user, required to view your Snapchat planets.
  2. Open a friend’s profile for the gold “best friends” or grey “friends” badge.
  3. Long press the badge to reveal your Snapchat planet in their Snapchat solar system.
  4. Repeat this process with other friends to determine the order of your Snapchat planet in each system.
  5. Check back regularly when your planet sometimes shifts over time when Snapchat recalculates the algorithm.

Remember, the Snapchat planet order is private, and friends cant see their rankings in your Snapchat solar system. The Snapchat planet rankings only appear for you; the same goes with your friends.

How to Improve Your Planet Position in Snapchat Planet Order?

Do you want to boost your Snapchat planet ranking and become your friend, Mercury? Here are some basic tips to rank your Snapchat premium Planets game:

  • Maintain super long 100+ day Snapstreaks with your true best friend. These streaks guarantee the position of at least Mercury or Venus.
  • Initiate conversations regularly with your friends.
  • Reply as soon as possible when a friend sends you snaps or messages. Dont leave them hanging.
  • Proactively send snap streaks to spark responses.
  • Comment on thier stories. This will show you that you are interested in their life updates.
  • Send personal snaps directly to friends instead of joining groups.

Simply being active and engaged with your friends on Snapchat through starting conversations, quick replies, reactions, and one-on-one messages is the key to ranking your Snapchat planets order.

What is Snapchat and Snapchat Plus?

Snapchat is a software that allows you to share videos and images, put stories on your profile, and make streaks with your friends, family, and followers. This app can be easily used on Android, iOS devices and tablets.

Snapchat’s most significant feature is that when you upload a video or an image to your friends, family, or followers, it disappears in 24 hours. This is called Snaps.

Suppose you and your friend send you snaps daily. You will build a snap streak with your friend, displayed in your profile. If you don’t send a snap one day, it will break, and you will continue from scratch. However, the good thing is that Snapchat has introduced its Snapchat recovery option, so you can easily recover your Snapchat streak with your friend.

Snapchat Plus Subscription Details

  • Pricing: Snapchat plus will cost you $3.99/month or $39.99 annually.
  • Flexible monthly subscribers benefit from the ability to cancel the subscription anytime.
  • If you subscribe yearly, you can save $7.89 and pay through your phone app store using an existing payment method.

Snapchat Plus Features

  • Priority Support: Reach the Snapchat support team directly.
  • Special Badges: Prove to others that you have a Snapchat Plus subscription.
  • Advanced Access: Be among the first to test out novel features.
  • Customizable App Icons: Select distinctive symbols to symbolize yourself.
  • Exclusive Profile Themes: Customize your profile with unique color schemes.

How to buy a subscription to Snapchat Plus?

To buy a subscription of snapchat plus you can simply follow these steps:

  • First download the snapchat app on your mobile device.
  • Signup for snapchat
  • Once you have signup, then go to you snapchat profile.
  • Click on the settings icon at the top right.
  • You will see two options
  • Subscribe
  • Subscribe + Gifts
  • Click on subscribe
  • After reading all the features of snapchat plus, Click on next.
  • Now you will se three plans available – 1 Month, 6 Months, and 1 year.
  • Choose a plan and click on start free trial for 1 week.
  • Add your payment method.
  • Once you activated the subscription, restart your application.

After following these steps, you will get Snapchat Plus and can now explore its features. The best part is that Snapchat gives you 1 week’s free trial to explore its features. Users who do not love Snapchat Plus will reject the subscription after the free trial.

If you want to know snapchat Plus subscription packages, you will see the table below:

CountryOne MonthSix MonthOne Year
United states$3.99$21.99$39.99
United Kingdom£3.99£21.99£39.99
IndiaRs. 49
snapchat Plus subscription packages

How To See Snapchat Plus Planets For Free?

If you want to know which Snapchat planet you are you are on your friend list, you must buy Snapchat Plus first. Otherwise, you can not access this feature because it has only been introduced to premium Snapchat users.

Pros and Cons of Snapchat Plus Planets

Following are the few pros and cons of snapchat planet order:

✔️Enhances user engagement🚫Only available to Snapchat+ users
✔️Enhances social visualization🚫Friends rankings may disturb them
✔️A fun way to see your best friends
✔️Encourages friends to interact more
Pros and Cons of Snapchat Plus Planets

How to Enable/Disable Snapchat Friend Solar System?

Here is the step by step guide to enable and disable snapchat friend solar system

  1. Open the Snapchat app
  2. Go to your Profile by tapping your Bitmoji avatar
  3. Tap the “Snapchat+” banner near the top of your profile
  4. Look for the solar system button and toggle it on right side
  5. Friends planets will appear on friends’ profiles on your Snapchat app
  6. Now when you view your friends’ profiles, they will be displayed as planets orbiting your Solar System.

To disable the Solar system feature:

1-Go to your profile and Snapchat+ settings.
2-Toggle the “Solar System” button to the left.


On Snapchat, the planets in the Friend Solar System feature represent your friends and indicate the nature of your interactions with them. Here’s a breakdown of what each planet means:

  1. Mercury: This is the closest planet to you and represents your best friend—someone with whom you interact the most frequently.
  2. Venus: This planet symbolizes a close friend but not your very best. You engage with them regularly.
  3. Earth: This represents a friend you interact with occasionally, showing a moderate level of engagement.
  4. Mars: This planet indicates a friend with whom you have infrequent interactions.
  5. Jupiter: This represents a friend you rarely talk to or interact with on the platform.
  6. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune: These outer planets symbolize friends with whom you have minimal to no interaction.

The arrangement of these planets allows users to visualize their social connections based on interaction frequency, providing insights into their friendships on Snapchat. This feature adds a fun, gamified element to the app, encouraging users to engage more with their friends.

The last planet in the Snapchat Friend Solar System is Neptune. This planet represents friends with whom you have the least interaction on the platform. In the context of the Friend Solar System feature, Neptune indicates a distant relationship, meaning that you rarely or hardly ever engage with that friend on Snapchat. This gamified representation helps users visualize their social connections and encourages interaction with friends who may be farther away in their “solar system.”

To see your Best Friends list and view the planets in the Snapchat Friend Solar System, follow these steps:

  1. Open Snapchat: Launch the Snapchat app on your device.
  2. Go to Your Profile: Tap on your profile icon in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Friend Solar System: Scroll down to find the Friend Solar System section. If you have Snapchat Plus, this feature will be visible here.
  4. View Your Planets: In the Friend Solar System, you will see your friends represented as planets. Your best friend will be displayed as Mercury, which is the closest planet to you.
  5. Interpreting the Planets: The other planets (Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) represent varying levels of interaction with your friends. The closer the planet is to you, the more frequently you interact with that friend.
  6. Tapping on Planets: You can tap on each planet to view more information about that friend and see how they relate to your overall friend list.

This feature is a fun way to visualize your friendships based on interaction levels, allowing you to identify and engage more with your closest friends on Snapchat.

The fourth planet in the Snapchat Friend Solar System is Mars. Mars represents a friend with whom you have infrequent interactions on the platform. This means that while you may have some connection with this friend, you don’t engage with them as often as those represented by the closer planets like Mercury, Venus, and Earth. Mars serves as a visual cue in the Friend Solar System, helping you understand the level of interaction you have with different friends on Snapchat.

The #1 planet on Snapchat is Mercury. This planet represents your best friend, indicating the person you interact with the most frequently on the platform. In the Snapchat Friend Solar System, Mercury is the closest planet to you, symbolizing a strong and active friendship based on your interactions, such as chats, snaps, and other forms of engagement within the app.

Yes, if you pin someone as your Best Friend (BFF) on Snapchat, they will not receive a notification about it. However, they may infer that they are your BFF based on their position in the Friend Solar System. If they frequently see themselves as Mercury (the closest planet), they might realize that you interact with them more than others.

Keep in mind that while Snapchat doesn’t explicitly notify users when someone pins them as a BFF, the visibility of their position and the frequency of interactions can still give them clues.

In the Snapchat Friend Solar System, the planets are arranged in the following order based on the level of interaction with friends:

  1. Mercury: Your best friend (most frequent interactions).
  2. Venus: A close friend (frequent interactions).
  3. Earth: A friend with whom you have moderate interactions.
  4. Mars: A friend you interact with infrequently.
  5. Jupiter: A friend with whom you rarely communicate.
  6. Saturn: A distant friend with minimal interaction.
  7. Uranus: A friend you hardly interact with.
  8. Neptune: A friend with whom you have little to no interaction.

This order helps users visualize their relationships and the frequency of their interactions on


Snapchat Planet offers a fun and engaging way to visualize your friendships through cosmic symbols, adding a new layer of excitement to the platform. Whether you’re curious about what planet you and your best friends represent or how these rankings work, this feature makes interactions more playful and meaningful. As Snapchat continues to innovate, features like Snapchat Planet highlight its unique approach to connecting users. Stay tuned to discover more about how this dynamic social media platform evolves your friendships into the galaxy.